Setting (where and when) : Pandora 2154 science fiction
Plot (story) : Jake Sully's brother dies and Jake goes to pandora in a space ship and joins the avatar program . The avatar program is a program that Dr Grace has been running so they can get close to the avatars .
Main characters : Jake Sully, Dr Grace Neytiri the avatar
My chosen character : Neytiri the chief's daughter because she's tough and funny .
I chose this movie because I like the Avatars and I think its a awesome movie .
PLOT: 7 Teenagers go on a camp to hell. They saw planes. When they came back, soldiers are there. They've kidnapped families. They find more information. They fight and go back to camp. They get ready to fight. MAIN CHARACTERS: Elie, Homer, Lee, Corrie, Robyn and Fiona. MY CHARACTERS: Homer because he blew up a lawn mower. WHY I CHOSE THIS MOVIE: It is cool and my rating is 5 stars.