Monday, April 4, 2011


On Thursday night we had the camp concert.   My group went first.   We did Fear Factor ..pretty funny. Next  it was Charley's turn. He went by himself.   He got Miss Sefton to start a lawnmower.   He said all  it needed  was a good  jerk . Next it was Amber's group's turn.   They did American idol or something like that . It was pretty funny.   Then these girls did jump jam.   It was all right.  Then it was Jordan's group.  They made Smiddy wee her pants.( permission granted) By William

On Thursday night we had a camp concert. William,  Brendon,  Molly Kelsey and Aimee did items. First of all William had to drink a raw egg with cream then Molly ate a raw onion. Then Brendon had some cornflakes with salt.  Kelsey had a muesli bar in salad dressing. Then Aimee had a chocolate biscuit with coleslaw. By Aidan

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