Monday, April 4, 2011


This year we went to Totaranui for camp. A few of the activities included the water like kayaking, beach fun and swimming.   Most students liked kayaking better.    Kayaking was a good experience especially seeing a great big sting ray while we were having fun.   The water was freezing most of the time.
Camp was fun and swimming was awesome


When we were at camp we went swimming.   Lots.  At free time sometimes we played touch when swimming.  Sometimes it turned into tackle. It was really fun.  Off the kayak, we saw a shark so we jumped into the kayaks and rowed back to shore.  Some of us went swimming again and some of us went back on the trailer.   We went to the homestead and then we went back down to the tents and got changed into our togs and went back down to the beach for another swim.


SWIMMING by Aurora and Jordyn on PhotoPeach